Transat Jacque Vabre – Akena Verandas disalbera |

A causa di una forte depressione avevano rinviato la partenza ma evidentemente non è bastato, viste le condizioni che sembra stiano affrontando gli equipaggi della Transat Jacque Vabre.

Around 0330hrs (UTC/GMT) this Friday morning skipper Arnaud Boissières confirmed that the mast of their IMOCA Open 60 Akena Vérandas had broken some 270 miles WNW of the Breton peninsula. The duo had been lying in ninth place in the Transat Jacques Vabre double handed Transatlantic race which set off from Le Havre, France on Wednesday.

Arnaud Boissières reported that both he and Akena Vérandas’ co-skipper Gérald Veniard were uninjured. The mast is said to have broken in several places and the duo have managed to retain only a deck spreader, the boom and a short piece of tube. They are making progress towards the French coast around 2.5 kts. “We are not hurt other than our pride. There was a very large crack.It was as if we had hit a cliff at ten knots The mast is broken in several places.” Reported Boissieres to his team early this morning.

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